Wednesday, June 19, 2013

More 99 Cent Printable Paper Sets and Pretty Cricut Flower Cards!

Hi Everyone,  

I have more Printable 99 cent Double Paper Sets to share today plus some pretty cards by Cindy, our graphic designer. On the weekend she received a Cricut machine from a friend who was gifted a new model and she tested some of our new printable papers. 

 Also, if you missed yesterdays link, we are sponsoring Word Art Wednesday this week and you can post samples and possibly win the $40.00 gift certificate! Just click on the link to see what the DT ladies have created and get the details

First, we have some embossed papers.  This one is 208 Embossed Pink and Yellow
 I'm always a little amazed at how 3D and cool embossed printable papers can look and we use no name compatible inexpensive ink!

The set below is 209 Embossed Yellow and Green Floral.  Yellow is a hard color to nail down. You don't want it to be too limey or bright. We went with a sunshine shade but you can alter the hue to match your project digitally. See how I did below.
I would LOVE to know what programs you have and use on your computer?  Not everyone has Photoshop Elements but there are free editing programs and some are often pre- installed on computers. Here's an article I did with links. 

This set is 209 Embossed Yellow and Green

This set is called 210 Embossed Gold.  The page on the right side is from an antique wallpaper book I bought from England. Each page is embossed with a thick paste. The book is so old I wondered if English ladies ordered it for their castle walls or fancy homes?
The next 2 paisley designs are among the first papers we ever did. Both were adapted from antique fabric and I flew DT leader Vicki Chrisman (ok, this was so long ago Vicki was our entire Design Team) up here to Canada to help us with the paper. First, 211 Brown Paisley
Vicki hardly knew Cindy (I still can't believe she flew here from Nebraska) but we had talked by email and phone a bunch and were so excited. Vicki got all teary eyed when she saw the how this set came together and we joked that this first paper was the 'crying paisley'. 212 Earthy Paisley and Stripe
Vicki flew home a week later and made this layout by printing the papers as we still didn't have the actual Paper Pads in stock. It was the only thing I ever had made in China and the paper was so thick they were heavy. I didn't want to ship 12" pads so we designed the Pads Pads in double pages 6" x 12".  3,500 x 4 styles = 14,000 Pads to sell.  We are almost sold out but I like the versatility and free shipping of digital better!

Here's a page from the Seasonal Album I showed yesterday that Sherri Sieman's created a few years ago using the Earthy Paisley Paper and our Sweet Kids Stamp Set

This 213 Classic Damask and Stripe is a timeless set that works for greeting cards, wedding layouts and pretty, feminine projects.

Here is 214 Classic Pink Damask and Scene. The pink paper is from our old Classic Paper Pad and the other lined page is new.

What's coming next week? Some fun chenille printable papers like this set below and more surprises!

Here's a zoomed in piece of the paper you can click on to see the stitching and fabric detail. I actually bought a bunch of old chenille, lace, wallpaper and fabric, scanned it and Cindy transformed it into papers that we printed and my dear friend Debi came over and sewed pieces of paper together to created the quilted patterns. There are more coming next week that were in our Pastel Paper Pad.

I adore this sweet layout DT leader Vicki Chrisman created using some of the quilted chenille paper.

I photographed Cindy's pretty flower cards on my sundeck and thought they looked at home among my flower pots.
Here's a close up showing the vase, butterfly and sentiment from our Garden Flower Digital Stamp Set. The purple and green paper are from Printable Garden Papers. You can see the Cricut flower design she used farther below and each card looks so different using various papers.

This is a 3 step tiered card but it's a little hard to see the folds

Here's another shot where you can see the folded steps a bit better.  The photo from the side keeps loading sideways on the blog even after I shrunk it super small.  Papers are from our Garden Printable Paper Set.  Sentiment from Garden Flower Digital Stamps.

Here's the last card.  I forgot to ask Cin how the centers were cut from some of the petals but I assume it was done with the Cricket.  These would all make great birthday, anniversary or feel better cards.

This shot shows how you can really use almost every part of your paper and how many flowers you can cut.  The paper used was one of our new 99 cent sets 203 Rose Swirls Printable Double Paper Set.

I will be back next week with a Giveaway and more paper, plus I'm planning on getting crafty and making something to share.

Till next time, wishing you joy & creativity

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  1. Love these papers! I made a card I thought you might enjoy...

    Hugs to you,

  2. I've been around so long, I remember these papers! glad you have found a way to keep them going...they are too pretty to fade out of sight!

  3. Thanks ladies for the nice compliments which I shared with Cindy who does most of the graphic design work (all the hard stuff). You made our day! So happy you like the new Printable Paper Designs

    Bev, I went and checked out your card and it's wonderful! I love the sweet image and sentiment you used, great job!


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