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Hi Everyone,
It's our Design Team Challenge today but first I will show you this cool card by Marcy Talbert because I can't get it to move down. She is hosting the weekly challenge over at with a 'school spirit theme ' this week. You can even join in and get all the details from Marcy HERE and see the Gallery HERE.

Today our DT leader Vicki Chrisman is hosting our DT Challenge and I’m sure the ladies have created some fabulous samples ! I saw peeks of just a few and they used our new Sew Nice Creative Scraps and they turned out SEW great I wouldn‘t be surprised if everyone used them !
Sherry Cheever was our May Guest Designer and look at this incredible little piece of altered art she created with our Sew Nice Creative Scraps! You can see and get all the details HERE on Sherry’s Blog. Thanks Sherry for creating so many great samples
My husband Scott & I leave tonight to stay in Seattle and catch a flight to Dallas tomorrow to set up at the Great American Scrapbook Convention this weekend June 4, 5 & 6 in Arlington, TX! DT leader Vicki Chrisman is coming and will be teaching 2 fun classes and doing make-n-takes with DT member Pam Hooten! I'm so happy they are both coming the show and excited to see everyone again!!! Here's a printable coupon for those of you who can make it to come get a free gift! The coupon sounds a bit misleading as it's for the regular double sheet of Creative Scraps - not the new style printed on the opposite side.
How about this stunning album that Flo created for her daughter using a variety of our products including our Chandelier stamp set, the clock from the Altered Fairy Scraps, Bird Note Stamps, French Mail and our Office Altered Stickers. You can see several other beautiful pages and the keepsake box HERE on Flo's blog and there is an English translator on the right side.
Can someone tell me if they have ever not been able to paste text? I have a new Windows edition and new virus software and I'm guessing that may be why but poop - I don't know what it's causing it!